Reuse & Recycle

Not buying clothes at all would be an efficient way to reduce our environmental impact. The chance of that happening is, however, not very likely. So what can we do as a compromise? Reuse and recycle what we already have!

Reusing and recycling is very important to us at esmé. It’s in the very essence of who we are. For example, we aim to use only recycled poly fibers and not virgin poly fibers. Fiber recycling is a great way to help reduce emissions and there are big opportunities to be found here. We closely and eagerly follow the development of new technologies and recycling possibilities as they emerge. We work to increase our activity in this part of our business.

We also ensure that samples of our clothing in our offices are not destroyed, but are instead given a new life by donation or selling them. There is no reason at all to throw away clothes that are perfectly fine just because there are samples.

Longlasting & Durability

Our clothes are made to last, but even so, sometimes luck does run out. Throwing away your favorite shirt because you’ve been unlucky is not a nice feeling because - but what if you didn't have to? Repairing clothes removes the need to buy new ones and it's a great way to avoid buying new ones. We want to make your esmé clothes last longer - and that's exactly what we’re doing. 

If you are ever in doubt whether you have something that can be fixed, feel free to contact us!

Buying & Selling Pre-owned

While our clothes are indeed designed to last a long time, we recognize that personal style preferences can evolve. That’s why we have made it possible for you to both purchase and sell preowned styles from esmé studios on our webshop. In 2022, we launched our new preowned concept and we’re excited to follow its growth. With this concept, you can make a difference by recycling your clothes, and help others reuse too! Read more about buying preowned and selling your esmé styles here.