We want to make sure we only work with factories who are certified as achieving the same high standards as us when it comes to social and environmental responsibility. We partner with BSCI, Fair Trade and GOTS certificated businesses so we can guarantee that all ésme studios products are made under the best conditions for workers - and that of course means no nasty chemicals that might harm them or the environment in which they live. We visit everyone as often as we can to monitor the whole process from fabric to finished garment.
Our two main suppliers are:

Established in 1934, Rajlakshmi Cotton Mills (RCM) is an Indian organic cotton manufacturer and exporter based in Kolkata and is a leader and industry beacon in the field throughout the country. They support Fair Trade and are
certified by FTO for supporting small organic farmers whilst also ensuring fair labour practices within the GOTS certified production chain and they maintain SA8000 certified social standards. They are a leader in green production methods and social responsibility for farmers and their families in the area as part of The Chetna Project (see above).
GOTS Certified
Licens nr. CU20876
Fair Trade USA
Fair Trade Cotton
SA8000® Standard

Great Garment are based in the Jiangsu and Anhui provinces of China and they make our sweaters and some of the light woven products. They work to promote the UN’s core principles of human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption. They acknowledge their social responsibilities and have been given certification by the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) which is a system of monitoring and executing improved ethical sourcing and
working conditions. They have developed a wider scheme called the Great Garment Supplier Program to help their suppliers improve production and gradually attain international standards.
GOTS Certified
Licens nr. CU1118535
BSCI certified
Licens nr. DBID no. 323740